Jl. Moch Kahfi II – Gg. Setia Budi No.39
Srengseng Sawah – Jagakarsa
Jakarta Selatan
Since the establishment of this group has produced several albums,
Among others are;
• Anty military
• Isolated
• Predators
Anti-military album
Track list;
• War
• Ready General
• Ham
• Revolution II
• Workers
• Exploitation
• Kluk-kluk-kluk
• Blood fighting
• Revolution III
• Adili Soeharto
Stop the war
• Oi..oi..oi!
• Artistic culture workers
• M.A.T.O
MARJINAL is a band of bands from many indie bands in indonesia punk. Marginal-inspired or inflected by Sex Pistols, Bob Marley, Leo Kristi, Toy Dolls, Bad Religion, The Crass, Benjamin S, and Ramones started early in 1997 when it still used the AA (Anti-ABRI) and AM ( Anti Military) in the underground community.
The early punk bands (1997) Romi Jahat (vocals), Mike (gittar), Bob (bass), Steven (drums), formed from the background of similarity in addressing the belantika of life with each other. They try to convey a message of rejection as well as acceptance and hope after what is perceived, seen, touched and heard in everyday life.
Entering the 2001 punk band began to remove the name of AA and AM, they officially use the new name is Marginal. The new name in the can when Mike, the vocalist was inspired by the name of female laborers “Marsinah..Marsinah..MArjinaL” from Surabaya who is very brave in fighting for his rights as a worker. But unfortunately not yet arrived at the time, marsinah died in a noble sacred duties due to torture committed by uniformed officers as a pet dog stripped pet capitalist. Not only that Marsinah also inspired Marginal in releasing the 3rd album with the title of album “Marsinah” cover marsinah face with black and white format. Incredibly, the title song “Marsinah” is the same as the title of the album, very familiar because many young people sing the song “Marsinah” in tongkrongan, music studio, even in a musical performance.
In 2005 Marginal again bringing the 4th album with the theme of the “Predator” which consists of cassettes 1 & 2. The cultivation process of the 4th album has been progressing progressively because it is supported by a powerful tool, very much different when compared to previous albums, whether viewed from the cover design or the tape recording.
During his work in the indie music industry, Marginal has undergone several mutations or unloading personnel, and until now marginal is still reinforced by Romi Jahat (vocals), Mike (guitar), bob (bass), Proph (drums) which is now to keep walking together to stay alive trying to convey the message of a mandate of suffering people who poured in the form of music media.
A brief history of the founding of the band MARJINAL
Name: Marginal
Originally from: Jakarta, Indonesia
Early standing: 1997,
First Name: ANTI ABRY.
Headquarters: gang setiabudi, setu babakan, south jakarta
Where by coincidence we are anti-violence, and ABRI one strongly civilize violence.
We often play in free events, at times always together (impromptu), then we make ANTY MILITARY, because ABRI already dig anti.
First album of the year: 1999
Second album of the year: 2000
with personnel always changing and we like that. And the recorded,
ROMI JAHAT (sanguan)
CHE MONKEY (rhythm)
BOB OI! (bass)
STEVE (dram)
MIKE (melody)
ACAY LEE (dram)
EKAL (vocals)
SIDE (vocals)
ABLEH (rhythm)
ASEP (vocals)
ARIEF (dram)
that now .. then, we put out marginal. All protesters.
Image result for marginal band history
The people who stand above human values, help-help, the rich Help the poor, strong Bantu weak, mutual respect and respect. We can not detect it. It’s up !!!! … sure, because human beings think rationally ..
From day to day more and more young people who come and get involved in the workshop program,
They also created a simple distro, a storefront window set on the veranda, storing various pig fry products; from t-shirts, tapes, pins, stickers, emblems, zines to books by pramoedya ananta toer.
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