We Too, Will Fade talk about their recently released sophomore EP

Band picture by Jule Haer Hello We Too, Will Fade, thanks for your time. Would it be possible to introduce your band to our readers, as well as your roles in it? Hey there Valentine, thanks a lot for giving us the opportunity to introduce ourselves. We Too, Will Fade is a collective of four friends: Vlad, Ludwig, Shmagi and Oli. With a worldwide pandemic going on, how have you handled the management of your band over the past few months? Times are hard right now, but we somehow took it as a chance to develop ourselves both musically and personally. We even got to know our newest member Ludwig at the start of the pandemic. But of course, we didn’t have the opportunity to start working in a normal environment. So we focused on what would make the most sense in such a situation and that was writing new material. We had a lot of digital meetings and from the time where it was allowed to see each other again, we worked on the ideas each one of us has come up with. In the end, we achieved to release „Everything Falls Apart As It Should“ in December 2020. How would you describe the German underground scene, in general? There is a lot going on in the underground scene even though performing live is not possible at the moment. In general, you can say that the scene is super helpful. Without the help of many friends and bands of the Munich scene, we wouldn’t have been able to pull off „EFAAIS“ at all. Despite the conditions you've unveiled your new single, titled “Everything Falls Apart as It Should”. What's the story behind this song? The title track of the EP is something very unique and special to us. The main acoustic guitar part has been there for several years now. However, it all came together and made sense in mere seconds once the words “Everything Falls Apart As It Should” were said out loud the very first time. We knew we wanted a softer, more ambient come-down after the two roaring tracks, but the subtle social criticism was unexpectedly introduced while recording vocals for it. It is a broken home, a place you have to go back to with a certain unease. But it is our, your home. The song is the title track from your new EP, out now on Midsummer Records. How long have you worked on this release? The main idea of the first track „My Dying Friend“ was written in the times our first EP „Enough“ was released. So we took it from there and adjusted it to the sound we would like to sound it like with our new line up. „I Tired My Best“ was written from scratch with our newest members. You can clearly hear the change in our sound in this song. As I mentioned before, the main acoustic guitar part of the title track has been around for quiet a while. We started working on the songs in march 2020 and finished the writing process in july. From there on, we worked on recording the songs and filming videos for the release. So it took us a while but we are happy that we were able to release something during a worldwide pandemic. Any funny stories to share from your recording or writing sessions? I think the funniest part of the several months of working on EFAAIS was when it came down to recording the CD-exclusive commentary. We got together in Shmagi’s room, sat around the table and had to actually keep a straight face the entire time so no one would mess their part up. Well, guess what happened, right in the middle of the session, Shmagi started first chuckling, then giggling and then straight up laughing out loud just because, for no particular reason. His laugh was so contagious that we dropped the mic and ended tearing up with laughter and had to redo the entire commentary. The last words are for you. If you have a message to convey, here’s your chance! Be kind, love yourselves and love each other because everything, everything everything falls apart as it should. Thanks for your time!
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