Video interview of Uncommonmenfrommars at Hellfest 2018
Are you finally back with Uncommonmenfrommars or is it just a short reunion ?
To be honest, we didn't have any plan to get back together but we had a phone call saying that the Burning Heads were doing the booking of the Warzone stage at Hellfest for their birthday and they asked if we could play. We didn't know what to do as we didn't expect this, so we thought about it and we told ourselves that we needed a special opportunity to get back as a band, so here we are ! All the bands playing today, they are all good friends or bands we already toured with so if we didn't play for this, we would never be back.How was the show like and how do you feel about playing with your brothers ?
We have to get back to our former habits but it's all good because we're back for a show, with so many people showing so much motivation and so much love. It was surprising because we didn't know what to expect but it's really heartwarming to see that all these people didn't forget about us. The show went well. We are really happy and we were super motivated. Let's say, 90% success in playing songs, not that bad.So, you mean that, for now, you still don't want to punch the twin brothers in the face ?
I almost did but it's all fine. There was no violence. (laugh)What are your thoughts about all these years playing in Uncommonmenfrommars ?
It's an incredible story. I would never have thought we could do so many great things with this band and it went far beyond our expectations. We did this for 16 years, people came to watch us play at every shows. When we think about it, it sounds crazy ! We learned what it is to play in a band, we learned what touring is, we learned everything with this band. I feel very thankful for everything we experienced with the band. I still can't believe it.Let's speak about Not Scientists. You guys tour a lot. You now work with Rage Tour. What does it change for you ?
We know the people working at Rage Tour for a long time because, with Uncommonmenfrommars, we used to play quite often with Tagada Jones, Black Bomb A and all these dudes. So, we know them pretty well. The big change is that, they can bring Not Scientists a few bigger shows than what we usually get on our tours, festivals, shows we couldn't attend because we are not that big.How was your last tour with Astpai?
We played once with them in Austria and on the next year, they got back in touch about their anniversary tour in Europe. We became very good friends so we offered them to come touring with us in France. Tour swaps, you know. It was also a good way to spend some holidays between friends, on the road.What's the next step with Not Scientitsts ? Is there any new album in the making or more about touring ? Maybe more shows with Uncommonmenfrommars ?
Nothing planned at the moment with Uncommonmenfrommars. It was really super fun to play these old songs, so maybe we will play some shows from time to time if we have some special opportunities but we don't want to plan anything. For now, I'm really focused on Not Scientists. We've just released our new album "Golden Staples" on April 13th so after summer, there will be a lot of tours with Not Scientists.How do you see the French and European punk/rock scene ?
As we tour for a long time in France and Europe, we've met a lot of people : bands, bookers, venues, and even fans we meet quite often and they became good friends. It's not very complicated for us to book tours. Wherever we play in Europe, we will get a place to sleep and meet people we know, as we do for a long time. It's helping each other and meeting old friends.Are there any bands you follow closely ?
What have I listened to these days ? The day before Hellfest, we did a warmup show in La Rochelle at La Sirène and we played with a band called Ho99o9 (Horror), and they play today. You have to watch them, it was super cool. Very unsual band. All I can say is that there are bands I want to see like Jessica93. I don't know if I'll be able to see them. I would like to, yeah. I missed Seven Hate. It's not a new band. So, now, I don't have anything in mind because I didn't sleep much.
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