Trophy Jump talk about their brand new EP, “Haphazard”!

Hello Trophy Jump, how are you guys doing? Would you mind introducing your band to our readers, as a start? :) Hello Distrolution, we are doing fine, thanks for asking! Trophy Jump is a punk rock band from Zagreb, Croatia. Trophy exists for more than four years now. We’ve been playing together in this lineup for just over a year. We listen to a lot of different music, have regular rehearsals, make new songs (and try to record them) and tour as much as we possibly can. The band consists of Antun Aleksa (guitar, lead vocals), Tvrtko Petrović (guitar, back vocals). Marko Marinović (bass guitar, back vocals, hi it’s me!), Ivan “Cimi” Marinović (drums) and Dominik Kisić (audio engineering). We also like drinking cold beer on a sunny day while laughing at dad jokes. 2019 looks like an exciting year for your band! You guys have indeed just released your new EP, titled “Haphazard”. Can you tell us more about this release? Yes! “Haphazard” is our second official release. It is an EP with 5 of our newer songs on it. The first idea was to record an LP because we have a lot of new material. But an unexpected chain of events resulted in us having a deadline in terms of recording, mixing and mastering. We figured out it is better to present our audience with some new material sooner, even if it’s just an EP, rather than keep them waiting for some more time. And hence the name of the EP – the recording process was totally random and hectic, but it worked out. “Haphazard” is released through Horn & Hoof Records (UK), Punk & Disorderly Records (Canada) and JeboTon (Croatia). How long have you actually worked on this EP? As for the songs found on the EP, they have all existed before we even started recording. So we didn’t have any kind of a “creative process” in the studio. The whole EP, from start to finish, is totally DIY. Over the course of one month, we visited “Kuća Studio” (also a place where we have our rehearsals) for ten or so times. And recorded all the tracks for all the instruments and the vocals. The mixing and mastering part took us about two months. And the head of the whole operation was our sound engineer Dominik Kisić, who did a great job and we’re all very proud of him. Bravo Dominik! Do you have one personal favorite song on this release? If yes, which one is it and why? Do we have a favorite song as a band or do I have a favorite song myself? I would say that we were most hyped about the first and only single “Comfort zone”, for which we also made a music video. Personally, I really like the whole EP and I’m not quite sure which song I like the best. Maybe I could go with “Bicycle” because I can relate with the lyrics on a personal level and I really like the groove of that one. Can we talk about the artwork? Who designed it? I love it. I think it totally fits your universe! The artwork was designed by Korana Jelovac, who also designed the artwork for our first record “Depression Club”. She is a great artist and we are very happy with the cover art she has made. Thank you Korana!

Would you mind sharing your other plans for 2019? We have a lot of plans for 2019. We are heading on a 10-day European tour on March 8th. You can check our tour dates on our Facebook or Bandcamp page and catch us somewhere on the road. We also plan to do an EP promotion gig when we get back to our hometown. Other than that, we are planning some new tour dates. We are creating new songs and we’ll strive to record some of the existing songs as soon as possible. We’ll try to keep you up to date with our shit and provide you with content because there’s a lot of stuff going on with the band right now. The last words are for you. If you have a message for your fans, here’s your chance! Be sincere, spread love and don’t be an asshole. Be kind to those around you and let them know that they’re beautiful. Spend your time wisely. Do things that you love and enjoy doing. Do things that make you happy and things that make you feel worthwhile. I know that all of this sounds pretty cliché but in the end it’s the most basic things that we most often forget. And those are the same things that make life wonderful if you learn to cherish them. Oh, and listen to Trophy Jump! Cheers <3
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