Summoning - Unveil third and final album "With Doom We Come" trailer

What began as a project deeply rooted in traditional black metal took on an epic twist in the years that followed - Evergreens like Dol Guldur (1996) and Let Mortal Heroes Sing Your Fame (2001) bear witness to a continually refined sound landscape. With "With Doom We Come", Summoning remains in its surreal values with a sublime and majestic album like an ultimate soundtrack for a fantastic journey. "Sagas and myths culled from J.R.R. Tolkien`s vast universe are the black blood that courses through Summoning`s veins, and With Doom We Come the ultimate soundtrack to a fantastic journey! Over eight tracks, With Doom We Come indulges all things sublime and majestic, while grandiose keyboard backgrounds and mystical intros weave pure atmosphere contrasting with raw black metal. Opener ‘Tar-Calion‘ is a fitting ode to the last king of the island of Númenor, while ‘Carcharoth‘ tells the bloodthirsty tale of Arda`s mightiest wolf. Sagas and myths culled from J.R.R. Tolkien`s vast universe are the black blood that courses through Summoning`s veins, and With Doom We Come the ultimate soundtrack to a fantastic journey!" - Napalm Records
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