Slenders talk about the Italian punk rock scene, as well as their latest releases!

Hello, Slenders! Thanks for your time! Would you mind introducing your band to our readers?
Well, we are Slenders. A band born from a couple of friends who wanted to have some fun. Time after time it became a very different thing, Se we started to try a little bit more. In 2017 we released an EP called “Nu Born”, we made an European tour and we stopped for a bit. Now we have released a new LP called “Angry Youth” and we are very happy. We are touring in Italy and who listen to this album usually like it ahahah.
How would you describe the Italian punk rock scene overall?
It's evolving now! We moved from Sardinia (a small island in the Mediterranean sea) to Milan. And here, we are knowing a lot of amazing bands. We can say that here, in Italy, bands are really good! They usually play very well but I would love to see some of these bands become bigger and more known. We are a big family, this amazing!
You guys have recently revealed a new single and music video “Nastya”. How was the shooting experience?
It was amazing, because Luca, our video maker, has shot everything when we were playing an Amazing gig in Devil Kiss. A lot of people singing our songs and mashing like there was no tomorrow (laughs). We wanted to show everybody who we are and what our live set is.
Can we talk about the single itself? What's the story behind it?
Well, the singer wrote the lyrics after the European tour in 2017. He totally fell in love with a girl in Ukraine and he just wrote about what he felt. We wanted to talk about that kind of powerful and fast love. A young love of an angry youth!
This song is taken from your new album, “Angry Youth”. For those who haven't heard it yet, what kind of songs can they expect on this album?
It's powerful, it's fast, it's melodic. There is everything we had to play and sing inside of it. We are talking about punk, but in a fresh way (laughs). Lyrics are from the heart and from our lives experiences. It's true, we like it for this reason (laughs).
How would you describe the writing process you have within the band?
Usually, a band member writes the song and after that, we mix our ideas all together to make it better and better.
The last words are for you. If you have a message to convey, here’s your chance!
Be yourself and don't fear it. Don't let anybody control you, be kind and help your friends in what they need. We are still making music because we've got our friends supporting us. And this is amazing! We are a big family and we think that this is the key of everything!
Thank you so much for this interview!
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