On September 7th, Metal Blade Records will release “Warning Blast”, the debut album by multinational allstar death metallers Siege Of Power! For a preview of Warning Blast, the new video for the 2nd single, “Mushroom Cloud Altar”, can viewed below.
The band comments: “Mushroom Cloud Altar is a more punky track on the album “Warning Blast”. Straight forward D-Beat Discharge without blah blah!”
Siege Of Power is:
Chris Reifert - Vocals (Autopsy, Violation Wound, Abscess, Painted Doll)
Paul Baayens - Guitars (Asphyx, ex-Hail of Bullets, Thanatos)
Theo van Eekelen - Bass (ex-Hail of Bullets, ex-Houwitser, ex-Grand Supreme Blood Court)
Bob Bagchus - Drums (ex-Asphyx, Soulburn, ex-Grand Supreme Blood Court)
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