Sean Nolan reflects on the pandemic & latest EP!

Picture: Zion Yoni Levy @ Tals Studio[/caption] Hello guys, thanks for your time. How are you doing in such a crazy time? Hanging in there! Honestly, we’re doing the best we can. I’ve been unemployed now for months which has been a little nuts. Maintaining calm and keeping a level head has proven to be the biggest challenge. Months after the release of your EP titled “The Machineries of Joy”, do you think this release was well received by your fans and media around the world? We’re all really happy with the way everything turned out. Everyone really seems to dig the record which is great. Honestly, I’d love to be out pushing it, playing shows, recording. But there’s only so much any of us can control. It’s a different world now. I just hope we can get back to it soon. But this has definitely been our strongest response so far which is exciting. How long did you work on this release? From when we started writing to when we finished, I’d have to say it was at least a good year. But some of the ideas had been floating around in my head for a long time so it’s sort of hard to know just how long it really was. I know we spent the better part of a summer in the studio. At the time we were all working full time jobs which made it challenging to schedule. Is playing shows the next step for you? There’s nothing I’d love more than to be out playing shows. Unfortunately, until venues are able to reopen it doesn’t look like a possibility. We’re hoping in 2021 to be able to start playing again. Fingers crossed. I saw that you, Sean, used your free time to develop your artistic project and creating paintings. Is that a new passion you discovered during the lockdown or have you always been painting? As a kid I wanted to draw comics, so I was always drawing and making up my own characters. In college a friend of mine had some paint and a couple canvases she let me have. I hadn’t painted since high school. But I fell in love with it again. Funny thing is, before this pandemic I hadn’t painted anything in about seven years. So, if anything, this situation has definitely helped me to get back in touch with this side. Where do you find your inspiration in general and can we order custom paintings? I’m always listening to records, looking for new sounds, anything that excites me. The same goes for the books I read; I’ve got my favorites but I’m always looking for something interesting or challenging, something that pushes me forward. As far as my painting goes, I’m always interested in doing a commissioned piece. If you like the style of my work and are interested in something send me a DM on Instagram and we’ll talk about it. The Instagram page for my paintings is @whatawasteofpaint.

The last words are for you. If you have any other projects in the making or a specific message to convey, feel free to talk about it! At least here in NY and a large part of the US, we’re raised with this sort of competitive “rat race” mentality. There’s always need to and encouragement to hustle and push and fight for what we want. The more time passes the more I think maybe we’ve already got it all; it’s inside. We just need to find it. Obviously, we’ve all got bills to pay; we need to eat. But as far as peace of mind and contentment, maybe that’s something separate. Maybe we are already who we are meant to be. It’s not easy. But I think it’s OK to take a minute, to pause, and to breathe. It’ll be alright. Thanks so much for your time Sean!
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