After countless shows throughout Brooklyn and Manhattan and the release of two records, Sean Nolan and the Heartmakers are ready to unveil their new record, “The Machineries of Joy”.
As a preview, the band has revealed a new single titled “Or, the Whale” and is now here to answer a couple of questions for us. Check out what we talked about below!
Hello guys. How are you doing?Hi! We’re doing pretty well. Been busy planning the record release show, writing new material, recording, etc.Would you mind introducing your band to our readers?My name’s Sean. I play guitar and sing. My friend Chris plays lead guitar and sings, sometimes plays some other things like the mandolin or the piano. My brother Kyle plays synth and keys. And then we’ve got my friend Matt playing the bass guitar and my friend Kenny on the drums.How do you feel now that your new single “Or, the Whale” is out worldwide?Honestly, relieved it’s finally been released. It’s been a long time coming. Also, very excited to finally share a song we’re all very proud of.This song is taken from your upcoming record, “The Machineries of Joy”. Would you say that “Or, the Whale” is the song that best reflects the spirit of this album?I think so. The energy and the message are definitely there. Hopefully the ultimate takeaway is a sort of melancholy optimism.How long have you worked on this record?We probably spent a good year writing and recording. The recording didn’t take too long, probably about a week or so in total in the studio. My brother Kyle joined the band for this record, so we spent a lot of time experimenting with different synth sounds. It was a lot of fun. Are you currently working on any other projects? If yes, can we talk about it?Right now, we’re in the studio writing and recording the next record. The plan is a nine song LP named after a novel by Ray Bradbury titled Dandelion Wine. We’re going for a bright jangly sort of sound this time around to contrast the heavy lyrics. It’s a pretty sad collection of songs. But not without hope.The last words are for you, thanks for your time!Thanks so much for taking the time! We’re very excited to be sharing these new songs and are looking forward to what’s to come.
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