Lester's is a French rock band we recently discovered and they plan on releasing their debut album in April. On this occasion, the band answered a couple of questions for us, linked to their latest single “Life o'Clock” and their upcoming record.
Picture: Romain Varenne
Hey Lester's! For those who might discover your band via this interview, would you mind introducing yourselves?
Hello everyone, we are Lester’s, a rock power trio from South of France (Avignon). There’s Gilles on the guitar and lead vocals, Thomas on the bass and backing vocals and Antony on the drums and backing vocals too. We’ve been rocking in this band since 2019 and after two live sessions we’re here to talk about the upcoming single and album!
You've revealed a music video for “Life o'Clock” on March 17th. What's the story behind this song?
The name speaks for itself, isn’t it? Joking aside it’s a pretty serious analysis of how we deal with the time in our era. Everything’s fast, everything has to be fast because this is how we consume anything nowadays you know… Most of the time this how you deal with your time in a day that dictates how you live your life. So, without being so philosophical and all, it’s a pretty straight forward message to fully live your life and to enjoy what surrounds you, don’t let other dictate your life and be yourself. It’s life o’clock!
How was the shooting of the music video? Any funny stories to share with us?
Yeah it was pretty cold ahah. We were in a warehouse, a huge warehouse and it was like 7 degrees Celsius!! That was pretty hard but we were really enjoying what we were doing. The most important thing with that video is that we did everything ourselves. From setting up the gear to the video editing, we did everything on our own. We had Romain with us, it’s our photographer and he’s a great behind a camera so he helped us a lot taking the shots where we can see Antony, our drummer, who took the other shots. It’s an old school 4:3 format, black and white, scratched frames kind of stuff, pretty straight forward too, so we hope you’ll enjoy it!
It's taken from your upcoming debut album, set to be released in April. How long have you worked on this album?
We’ve been working on this album from the very beginning of our time with this band without really knowing it actually. The first songs were written during Spring 2019 and the most recent one was finished one month before pre-production so we can say about 3 years. We started the final arrangements at the end of 2021 and pre-production started in February 2022. We started recording in April and it took something like 2 months and a half. Before pre-production, we really felt like we needed to record this album to move on you know, to write new songs with new ideas and maybe different stuff. So here we are, it’s in your hands and ears next month!
What kind of songs can we expect?
You can expect a real roller-coaster! Fast rock songs, sweet ballads, ambient prog rock; you can have it all, all at once!
How would you describe your usual writing process? How do you split the roles within the band?
Most of the time it starts with an acoustic guitar but there are two ways of doing that actually. One of us bring a song we wrote at home. It could be just a chorus, a whole song, a riff, anything and then we put everything together as a band. The other way of doing that is simply jamming in rehearsals, that’s it! There’s no rule about how we split the roles you know; everyone is very involved in the whole process of making a song. From the basic arrangements to the vocal harmonies, we’re all 100% involved and sometimes, when someone has trouble finding the right idea, there’s always another one having new ideas. This really is the best part of being in Lester’s: no boundaries only ideas.
The last words are for you. If you have any other projects in the making or a message to convey, here's your chance!
First of all, thank you for this interview! We hope everyone’s going to enjoy our album, our first one!! Feel free to check on us on social medias, streaming platforms and so on. We’ll be having a release party on April, 14th at Akwaba – Chateauneuf de Gadagne so feel free to join us! We are Lester’s, we were pleased to do that interview for Distrolution, take care!
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