Rise discuss the French metal scene and new record!

Hello Rise, thanks for your time. Would it be please possible to introduce your band to our readers? Hi, thank you! We’re Rise, a currently progressive rock band (for our new album), but we play metal too. Nathan is at the guitar and vocals, Arthur on bass and Théo on drums. How would you describe, from your own POV, the French rock / metal scene? I would say that in our scene, there is great creativity. When French bands try to make their own thing and don’t get stuck in what they think they should do as a rock/metal band, it ends with great bands with a true identity (like Gojira). But you can apply it to any country scene actually. You plan on releasing your new album, “Dreams in Vision”, in Autumn 2021. How long have you worked on this release? I think we started in 2019, when our second guitarist left the band. We continued as a guitar/bass/drum trio as the forming members and began to compose and work until September 2020 to record the album. What kind of songs can we expect on this record? There are many genres we explore and a big place to instrumental. This is mainly acoustic songs with 70’s influences, with piano, synthesizers, classical guitar and even more if you give it a try! (laughs) About the lyrics, there is pretty much self-questioning about the world and our place on it. It can relate about special situation or feeling we experienced, sometimes described by imagery. But I think every listener can make his own interpretation of the lyrics, depending on how it resonates in his mind. Would you mind describing your usual writing process? Most of the time, somebody composes the song alone, and then we arrange it together. For this album, Nathan composed and wrote 8 songs, and Arthur did the last one. So actually, the same process. Sometimes, our parts come naturally in rehearsal, sometimes we spend more time on it and add bigger changes in the arranging process, like new instruments, structure changes etc… I think that in most cases, everybody adds his little mark to the song. Can we talk about the process of creating the artwork and the overall idea behind this visual? Well, the concept of a torn face was an idea from Nathan. We then decided about the colors to make it match with the ambiances of our songs. Then, our graphic designer did what he wanted with those two ideas and made it how it looks today. We’re very happy about it, I have to say we’re pretty proud about all our covers (laughs). I think it illustrates well the ambiances of the album.

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