Primal Age discuss their new record and collaboration with WTF Records!

Hello Primal Age, thanks for your time. Would it be please possible to introduce your band to our readers? Of course, we are PxA since
95. We feel lucky because we played with almost all the hardcore and metal legends and also touring in Mexico, Japan, Brazil and 14 other countries. Your band has been active since the 90s. What's the magic recipe to last so long? One word: passion. We do what we want and when we want to, without any pression from labels... Maybe it's why we keep this passion alive. Didier, our singer, and myself, at the bass, are the only members from the beginning and some have left because of work or for family reasons. You've just dropped your new record, “Masked Enemy”. How long have you worked on this record? The journey began 4 years ago. Then, we had to play many shows for a non professionnal band. We also had many drummer issues, not less than 5 on the project. All the riffs were here before the beginning of the pandemy. So we've found solutions to work without meeting with each other. Can we talk about your collaboration with WTF Records? How did it happen? We spent like 10 years with Deadlight (tanxxx to Alex for his help). He decided to stop his label, so we've knocked at 45 doors and 12 labels said yes. Tim of WTF knows us since the beginning and was very very enthousiastic having us on his label. His network seems to be huge enough for us and it's an occasion to play more in Holland, Germany or Belgium. How would you describe your usual writing process? I usually write the lyrics cause I like doing it and Didier makes so many things for the band. I'm also reponsible for the singing. In 2015, our guitar player Johann left the band. He had a special place in the process. Flo and Ben joined us and we made a lot of shows with them, but what about doing tracks for PxA? So I began making it, but I was able do make just a half album. Fortunately, Flo joined me and has done the other tracks which were so good. For the drumming session, a good friend, Rudy from Explicit Silence gave us his help. That's the reason why the process was so long but finally so good when we hear at the result. Can we talk about the process of creating the artwork of your album and the overall idea behind this visual? We work with Greg from Visual Injuries for years. He also works for the Hellfest. He really knows "our world". He said to us that he's been inspired with the lyrics. We had nothing else to explain to him. A wonderful job. When we do an album, what's not that often, everything is important.

You've had the opportunity to play more than 700 shows across Europe. Was there one in particular that stood out for you? If so, which one and why? The most important for us wasn't in Europe: the BloodAxe fest in Tokyo with Culture and Shaï Hulud. A great memory. In Europe, maybe at home at Hellfest 2008 and 2019. It's always a special feeling and we hope we'll know it again and soon. Do you already have some dates planned for 2021? 2021, it seems to be complicated. So just one fest is planned in october, the others are for 2022 and even 2023. It's so frustrating having our best album ever to promote and staying at home. But I'm sure all the bands have the same feeling. The last words are for you. If you have a message to convey, here’s your chance! Tanxxx for the support. Japan, Russia, Portugal, Germany... we hope to visit all of you. Let us play! Thanks for your time!
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