Pop-punks Fight For Friday discuss upcoming EP track-by-track!

1 - Life Hits You Hard: Life Hits You Hard is our take on the fast EP opener as we really wanted to push that high energy sound that we label ourselves with constantly. It was actually the final song that we wrote for this record. With its origins coming from the fact that we desperately wanted to open the EP with a bang. The song came to life from one chord progression in the intro. We really just pushed it out from there. Our plan from the start was to make this song as fast and direct as possible! No messing about with any interludes or build-ups, as we didn’t want to give people a chance to calm down. It’s the epitome of what we are all about. 2- Take it Or Leave it: This is the oldest song on the record, originally written in mid-2016. This probably affects the fact that Take it Or Leave it is our most raw, thrashy song. Having said that it feels like the writing of this song was a turning point for us as a band. As it marks the transition between our more childish punk vibes into trying to create something more meaningful and intricate. We altered and edited bits of this song a lot over the years. Meaning it contains elements of us at our rawest, but also moments of detail that we never had when we first wrote the song. Most of it is loud, angsty and edgy. But as the song draws to a close, the vibe completely flips as everything stops into a mellow, questioning buildup until the song kicks back in. But instead of the angst and edge, we went for emotional, powerful vibes that completely contradict the first 5 or so minutes of the record. 3 - I Feel Bad, But You Should Feel Worse: The feel good song. This one’s upbeat, catchy and incredibly happy yet somehow its ended up as our heaviest song. We wrote this with the intentions of creating something for people to sing along and have a good time to, which it ended up being for a while. It’s even got a cheesy key change! When we took it into the studio to be recorded, our producer Dave said he didn’t like the key change. We took his advice and somehow ended up changing the tuning from Drop D to Drop C. And writing a 30 second breakdown to precede the key change. It’s a really different song to what it was before the studio. It captures all vibes, from singalong to throwing down. Mega EZcore vibes. 4 - Target Practice: To us, Target Practice is the best and most meaningful song that we’ve ever written. It’s a song that captures our more serious, hard personalities and it’s a song that we can all relate to lyrically and musically. You can expect to find a mellow edge to this song, switching between calm and questioning energy, straight into full on anger driven hooks. We wrote this song after pondering on different variations of the intro riff for quite a while. When we finally made it to elaborating on the riff we didn’t want to overcomplicate the song into something technical yet unenjoyable. We wanted to find that perfect mix between technicality and simplicity that creates and interesting yet catchy tune. The ending of the song is our first attempt at a real instrumental section, which hopefully shows our more creative edge. Similar to Life Hits You Hard, the recording of this song was really straightforward, mainly due to the fact that we knew exactly what we wanted to come out of this song and its not really too complicated at all. 5 - Headache: There was no song better to end the EP than Headache. Its our anthemic, emotional song and it’s a massive contrast to the vibe at the start of the EP. Our nickname for it is ‘Sad Song’, because that’s what it is, a sad song. Having said that it still contains all the catchiness and high energy attitude that we contain. We wrote this song just after the news of Chester Bennington’s death, so when I sat down to write the lyrics for the track, that was the main thing on my mind. It got me thinking introspectively and how other people’s actions can affect somebody massively, especially when there’s nobody around to listen to you and give you that helping hand that is needed.
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