Pop-punks Fight For Friday discuss recently released EP!

Hello Fight For Friday. Hope you're doing great? First of all, thanks for taking time to chat with me. For those who are not familiar with your band, could you please introduce yourselves, as well as your roles in the band? Hey! Cheers for taking the time to talk with us. We're pretty much a high energy Pop Punk band who've been playing together for 4 years now. We consist of four members, Seb on vocals, Lloyd on guitar, Sol on bass and Matthew on drums. For those who have never heard your songs, how would you describe your sound overall? We're probably best described as a mix between New Found Glory and Seaway. We've changed our sound quite a lot in the past few years. But we feel that we've settled on an emotional yet energetic brand of Pop Punk, which is a sound that we're happy with. Let's talk about your EP ‘Someone You Could Trust’. If you had to only pick one track off this release, which one would it be and why? It's got to be Target Practice. We all think that this track best describes the vibe that we think we should have. It probably is a good reference to what future tracks will sound like! We like to think that its something different from typical pop punk tracks and its something that people can relate to and hang on to. Lyrically its quite mature, taking on themes of introspection and looking at the way other peoples actions can affect you. You also dropped a music video for ‘Target Practice’. Any funny story to share with our readers? How was the shooting experience?Yeah! There was a few memorable moments from this shoot. We recorded it on Seb's living room because we liked the vibe of the room, it saved us a lot of money renting a space out too! The best part of the day was during our first take. Seb was pretty ill and snotted up. As soon as the song kicked in he did a massive head band and a huuge snot rocket flew out of him into the carpet. I think we still have the clip somewhere so it could come out one day. Oh, you can also see all our maccies wrappers in the corner at some point because we're too lazy to tidy up. What would you say has been the biggest highlight of your band’s career so far? Theres not really a pinacle highlight to our career as of yet. We've done some really cool shows here and there with some awesome bands, with our biggest tour coming up this july including some huge festivals. That and the fact weve shipped our music to Japan is probably where our career is at. So looking at the future, things are only getting bigger and better. Last but not least, how would you describe each member of the band? We're all basically the same person, really awkward and we tell jokes that nobody else finds funny. The only thing that separates anyone is the fact that Sol has a girlfriend.
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