Play The Ace talk about their debut EP “All My Friends Are Ghosts”!

Hello Play the Ace. Hope that you're all doing great? First of all, thanks for taking time to answer a few questions for Distrolution, it’s much appreciated. For those who are not familiar with your band, could you please introduce yourselves, as well as your band? Iris: Hey, I’m Iris! I sing and play guitar. Molly: I’m Molly! I play bass for Play The Ace. Dena: Hello! My name is Dena and I play drums for the band Play The Ace. We are basically a bunch of teens who enjoy making music with hopes of not sucking. Your debut EP, “All My Friends Are Ghosts”, is out since May 20th 2017. Could you please introduce this release to our readers? Iris: We released All My Friends Are Ghosts at the end of our sophomore year of high school, and it’s just all about finding our way in life. So basically just a lot of teenage angst haha Who, or what have influenced you and your music for this EP? Molly: We were really influenced by big players in pop punk like Neck Deep and State Champs. We really love those bands, their sound, and their general vibe! How would you describe your writing process, within the band? Iris: We usually start off the process by writing on our own and creating a general skeleton of what we want the song to sound like. Then we bring it together and use each other to help build off of it and make them a little bit of each of us. Dena: The best time for me to write music is when it’s 2 am and I’m sitting on the floor in my room with my ukulele as some indie music and songs from the 70’s play in the background. If you had to pick one track that, according to you, best reflects the spirit of this EP… which one would it be and why? Dena: The song that I would say best represents this EP would be “You Took My Life, So I Took Your Identity”. This song was written by both me and Iris. It was the first song I truly felt proud off and that we could actually write and create something. Iris: For me, it’s definitely “Southside”. That was the first song that we wrote for the EP and it really ties in the whole idea of not really knowing what’s coming in the future, but just riding it out the best that you can. Can we talk about your upcoming projects? Are you currently working on new materials? If yes, what can we expect and when will it be available? Molly: We’re currently working on cleaning up and evolving our sound and we hope to have new music out at the end of this year or the beginning of next. Stay tuned!! The last words are for you. Thanks for your time! Iris: Stay in school and don’t do drugs kiddos!! Also check us out on Spotify and iTunes and hit us up on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for bad memes!
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