One Life All-In's vocalist talks about the band's latest EP!

Hello One Life All-In, thanks for your time. Would it be possible to introduce your band to our readers, as well as your roles in it? We are One Life all-In! I’m Don Foose on vocals, Kevin Foley is on drums, Franco on Bass and Clem slams on guitar. Franco and Clem write the music, I write the lyrics. Collectively, we discuss what we want to do as a band and Franco does a lot of the public relations. 3 of you are living in France, while Don is based in Cleveland. How do you organize yourselves to keep the band going despite the distance? We do all of our writing and collaborating through the Internet. When I fly over to Europe to tour I make sure I practice on my own and the other guys also do their homework by practicing as well. So far we haven’t had Any problems with preparation. We also have meetings on FaceTime as well. How do you spend your time during the lockdown? We have taken an unfortunate circumstance and used it for our benefit. We have written nine new songs towards a new album during this time. On top of that, we are all spending more time with our families and getting some much needed rest although I have a working through most of the lockdown but have had some time off too. You guys have recently unveiled your EP, titled “Letter of Forgiveness”. How long have you worked on this record? We wrote this album pretty quickly. It took a little over are year to Coordinate our plan for booking shows, Video shoot, and recording but we got it done. If you had to pick one song that best reflects (according to you) the overall spirit of the EP... Which one would you pick and why? For me, it would be Sacred Heart because it’s all about passionately doing things in life and overcoming the fears of failure. This song has slow, heavy riffs but then as fast, Hard core elements and high energy as well. That song gets me going and I think it represents us well. The artwork of this EP is really sick. Can we talk about the process of creating it and the overall idea behind this visual? Dave Quiggle is an amazing tattoo artist, musician and dear friend! The artwork represents sorrow, beauty and sincerity when I see it. It also has an old school feel that we felt represented the mood of this recording. We are very pleased to have Dave’s contribution on this album, it’s an honor!

The last words are for you. If you have a message to convey, here’s your chance! We are a positive band that isn’t afraid of going outside the box. We aren’t your typical hard-core Band. We like to mix things up and take chances in our songs as long as it feels right. Thank you for having us! We appreciate all the support and we look forward to seeing you on tour soon! Thanks for your time!
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