Microwave have joined the Pure Noise Records roster!

The band's third LP, “Death Is A Warm Blanket”, is due out September 13th and finds Microwave taking a daring sonic leap. The album plunges the band into darker and more aggressive territory than ever before, while also providing their catchiest melodies to date. Microwave will also be touring heavily in EU w/ Tiny Moving Parts, Lizzy Farrall. See full itinerary below: 30/09 Amsterdam, NL @ Melkweg 01/10 Paris, FR @ Supersonic 02/10 Brussels, BE @ Ancienne Belgique 03/10 Cologne, DE @ Luxor 04/10 Hamburg, DE @ Uebel & Gefarlich 05/10 Liepzig, DE @ Felsenkeller 06/10 Berlin, DE @ BiNuu 08/10 Munich, DE @ Feierwerk 09/10 Vienna, AT @ Flex 10/10 Bologna, IT @ Locomotiv
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