Metal six-piece SILENT DESCENTare releasing their single “Rob Rodda”. This song is indeed from their album “Turn To Grey”!
The album has had over 100,000 plays on Spotify since its release in November 2017. This next single is actually the band's personal favourite from the release.
About this single, vocalist Tom WATLING explains:
'Rob Rodda' is a huge film, comic and metal fan. He used to visit a shop I worked in and everyday he'd bring in weird and wonderful film props like lightsabers, masks or a replica machete from predator. He would've also worn/ wielded these items 5 minutes before entering the shop walking down Bromley high street. Rob has a very extreme personality, he speaks his mind and often misinterprets how to approach social situations. Rob has had an extremely difficult background, he struggles to get work and now he is legally an adult society has all but turned their back on him. However, he has the most incredible outlook on life and such huge passion for bands and superhero films. He came into the shop one day and said 'Tom, you should write a song about how f***ing awesome I am!' and I thought it was a quality idea. Today, with social media being at it's peak, people care so much about what others think of them. People can't go to the gym without taking a picture to show they've been there or eat out without taking a picture of their food. Rob is the anti-aesthetic, the guy we'd all be if we dare let the mask slip. Writing this song was kind of a social experiment to see how many people could relate to Rob. With its huge popularity (twice the amount of plays on Spotify than any of our other tracks) it could be said that underneath all the bulls**t, Rob's outlook on life is one we all share."
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