The chronicle has officially begun as metal quintet Wars have announced the release of “Only Monsters” and “A Fog of Feeling”.
The combination of which are named “Chapter One” and lead with a Herculean strength that leaves the ear embedded in an intoxicating sonic cliff hanger setting the scene for the following chapters. Which will result in the forthcoming album “A Hundred Shivers”, scheduled for release in 2021 via A Wolf At Your Door Records.
Releasing an album in chapters may be untraditional, yet according to vocalist Rob Vicars, that was part of the appeal.
“It means we can wrap all our little communications around each individual selection of songs really tightly. And be creative in a tonne of different spaces, all over the course of this one record.To get to release what we’ve been working on, and even what we will be working on, over the course of this record. To be able to just keep putting this out as a persistent thing feels like the perfect compliment to the way we write and create”.
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