Learn more about Storm Orchestra's debut album!

Storm Orchestra - Picture by Angela DUFIN[/caption]
Hello Storm Orchestra. Let’s start this written interview by introducing your band to our readers!
Hi, we are Storm Orchestra, a rock power trio. We come from Paris, and we are influenced by the early years of Muse or Royal Blood. We just released our first album “What A Time To Be Alive”!As you just mentionned, you're indeed back with a new album, “What A Time to Be Alive”. How would you describe this record?
This is our first record, so everything was new for us. We tried to put who we are on this album, which is a mix of powerful riffs, some pop chorus, a little bit of melancholy and anger. We first talk about love, in all of his forms, it is one of the most powerful feeling in the world. It makes you do things your though never do, it gives you strengh and self confidence. It is the feeling the feeling that makes you feel alive! We also talk about the end of the world. Humanity is driving super fast right into a wall, we enjoy the ride without thinking about that wall. It is the dark part of this album, the part that says sarcasticly: what a time to be alive...How would you describe your usual writing process? How do you split the roles within the band?
We constantly write songs, and the roles are clear. Adrien (Bassist) compose the music and send it to Max (Singer/Guitarist) who compose the lead vocal on it. Then, Loic (Drummer) listens to it and improve the song. This is our process for almost 90% of our songs. We only keep the song if the 3 members are ok, we are very democratical. After that, we learn it live, and test it live, to see if we still like it, and if the public likes it. For the inspiration, there's no rule, it comes or not.Let's talk about the artwork of the album. Who's the artist who created it and what's the idea behind the visual?
The artist we chose is EggEyes, who is a french artist. We wanted a cover with a drawing, and we just looked over the internet for an artist with a style we like. He was the one! We fell in love with his creations. The idea of the parachutist was already in our mind, he took the idea to the perfection we needed. We wanted this parachutist on fire to explain the title of the album. This is the alegory of humanity, we jump and this is incredibly fun, but the parachute is on fire...
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