Krang, from your teenage years to your stereo

Your lyrics are a lot about the 90’s subcultures, comics and TV shows, but you also have more serious songs, especially about the situation in the middle-East (Lions of Kurdistan, Skateistan, …). Is it important to you to bring political stuff into your music? This question will be better for our bass player Stanley because he writes the lyrics but I can say this. The main intension of our lyrics is about things we like or things which seems to be funny for us. When we started to play together, we recorded our first EP called OK USA! There were songs about 80’s or 90’s action movies like Top Gun, Demolition Man or Bloodsport. Lot of our songs can looks like a “nerd stuff“ but we also have songs about serious problems. For example Lions of Kurdistan, Skateistan or No fun in fundamentalism. I think it’s important to have opinion on what is going on and it’s also important have songs with message. Truth is I don‘t want to describe our band as a political band, but there are a lot of things which we have clear attitute. [embed width="700" height="300"] You guys also play in several other bands. Is Krang your main band ? Yeah that‘s true! Henny and Gabo are playing in band called Criminal Colection and for them is Krang more like a side project. They are playing for 13 years now and they had also played in a lot of countries like Brazil, Canada, Russia, Israel and others. In my opinion, Criminal Colection is no.1 pop/punk band in Czech Republic and you should definitely listen their stuff. For me and Stanley, Krang is our main band. Besides Krang, I've started to write my own songs and play some acoustic shows, but Krang is still priority for me. [embed width="700" height="300"] You can also check my acoustic projet here : Thanks Dan ! Any word for your fans ? Yes! I would like to thanks all our fans for supporting us, all friends we met during playing and all people who helping us. So stay tuned and see you at the show!! Thanks for interview!
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