Japan hidden gems : discover punk/rock band Radiobug
Please could you introduce yourself and Radiobug ?
Shouhei Miyoshi plays the bass and sing, Ryo-chang plays the drums and I (Mako) play the guitar and sing too. Ryo-chang and I used to play in bands together in Osaka when we were younger. We moved to Tokyo around 2008 and we also played in several bands. In 2013, I met Shouhei and we've started playing together. In 2015, Ryo-chang joined and we've started Radiobug.You released your EP "Back in the day" last year in a DIY way. Is DIY important for you ?
We really love DIY but it's not the most important thing. I've started recording other bands a long time ago, so it makes sens that I also record my own band. I guess I'm not too bad at recording bands, so I don't see why we would have to hire someone else to do it. We also have a lot of fun doing it by ourselves.Could you tell us more about your forthcoming record ?
We are currently recording it. All the instrument tracks are done since June, but we need some more time for the vocal parts. All the recordings went really smooth, so I think we will be able to release this record in 2019.
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