Italian punk rockers Millennial Daze talk about upcoming projects!

Hello Millennial Daze. Hope you’re doing great! Could you please introduce your band to our readers? Hello! Of course we are doing great! We are a Punk-Rock band from Italy. We are three: Ale, bass player, 20 years old, Nico, singer and guitarist, 19 years old and Alby, drummer, 19 years old. What's the story behind Millennial Daze? How did you actually put this band together? Well, me (Alby) and Ale were searching for a singer and a guitarist for a punk band. After a while, we found Nico on the internet, on an Italian website made for musician. So, we started playing together for some months and we began writing our first songs, that you can indeed find on our debut album! The name is what we think the representation of our generation, called Millennial, and how is be a teenager in Italy in 2018. It seems like we are living in a generation that is constantly confused, without any idea, that follows everything that society imposes. So, that’s why we decided to call us “Millennial Daze”! You recently released your debut album named 'Angry, Young & Spoony'. For those who didn't have the chance to hear it yet, could you please tell us what kind of songs we can expect on this release? On our first album, you can indeed find fast and catchy punk-rock songs. So If you like Green Day, The Offspring and everything from the 90’s, you will be surely satisfied (well, we hope you will)! All the songs were written by us and reflect a point of our life, or things that we did together: discussing with a very upset neighbour about the volume of our music (yes, every band sooner or later will have problem with his neighbour, so if you didn’t find it yet, don't worry, you will ;)). You stated on your Facebook page that this debut album allowed you to play important shows in North Italy. Can you tell us more about this? Yes, we played some shows in our zone during January and February, we really enjoyed it! We had a little break for the exam but we are already planning some shows for this Spring and for the summer festival... So keep following us on Facebook! Is there one show that you particularly loved performing at? If yes, which one and why? We really enjoyed the concert in Vercelli, at Officine Sonore. We indeed played with another band, the crowd was very involved, we had such a great time! And also, in our small city, Oleggio, it was very fun to play in front of friends and people who know you since 18 years and who'd never have imagined that we would get at this point! Last but not least, what else can we expect from Millennial Daze in 2018? Good question ;) Now, we begin writing new songs for a new EP or album coming in late 2018 or at the beginning of the next year. We indeed want to take all the time that we need to make it. And of course, we will play some shows during this spring. You will find us at some festivals during this summer, so stay tuned!
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