Introducing you to the French funk rockers, Tasty Freaks!

Picture: Camille Girault - Photographies Hello Tasty Freaks! Thanks for taking time to answer a couple of questions for us. Would you mind introducing your band to our readers? We are a funk-rock Paris based three piece. With Yoann on drums, Antonin on the bass and Julien singing and playing guitar. We just released a third EP called “Wake up Call”. And we're about to go on tour to present our work to the public. What’s the story behind your band’s name? Well, at first, we wanted something short, colorful but totally unrelated to music. So we chose “Tasty” as our first name back in 2014, months before we released our first EP in 2015. A few google searches after, we realized that “Tasty” was already used a lot by brands or bands. We would never get a good exposure on search engines, for example. So, we decided to complete the name with another word that would describe the weird energy in our music. “Tasty Freaks” was born. You’re from Paris. What's your point of view on the French rock scene? The French rock scene has two problems : first, French listeners tend to abandon rock music for rap, RnB and pop music. Which means that fewer venues continue to book rock bands on a regular basis. And you have a sort of “glass ceiling” hard to break for a lot of semi-professionnal rock bands. And also we feel like the French rock bands could help each other a lot more, instead of setting up a competition between bands when the number of concert opportunities decrease. In the meantime, we hear a lot of great French rock bands these times : Lysistrata, Ko Ko Mo, Last Train, Teacup Monster, Grit, Storm Orchestra... There is a real potential for the French rock scene. These guys make great music without trying to sound like someone else! You've unveiled in November your third EP titled ‘Wake Up Call’. Can you tell us the story behind this release? We decided to start writing new material a few days after Yoann, our drummer, joined the band in September 2018. At first, there wasn't a goal like and EP our album, we just wanted to write music. When we realized that we would soon be two years behind our last EP release, we decided to stop writing new stuff and inject the songs we had in the production process. We had like 9 songs and we wanted to produce them all, and then select the 5 or 6 that would fit the most in a meaningful EP. During the process, in parallel, a few titles or strong lyrics started to give this to-be-born EP a global color, a deeper meaning. We decided to name the EP “Wake up Call” about halfway through the production process. Long before the songs were completed. How long have you worked on this EP? The whole production process took 9 months. But we started working on the songs a few weeks before. Let's say.. about a year of work. If you had to pick one song that, according to you, best reflects the spirit of ‘Wake Up Call’… Which one would it be and why? It's hard to answer right away, because each song in the EP tells us a part of the whole story behind the title. You have a progression in the EP, from a song like “Get Myself Up” which sounds like a funk-pop song to “Wake up Call”, our final shout. Anyway, if we had to chose one only song to reflect the whole EP... maybe it would be “Wake up Call”, because the EP gave it its name and main lines : “right time for a wake up call”. The last words are for you. If you have any other projects in the making, here’s your chance to talk about it! As a band, we are going to spend a lot of time in the few months traveling around to play our songs in front of an audience. It's important for us since live concerts remain our preferred musical expression. Then, we could start thinking about the future, maybe with a new writing process at the horizon of 2021. Who knows? Thanks for your time!
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