Today, I'm introducing you to the metal band Ascending Dawn. Marlain (vocals) was nice enough to introduce the band in general, as well as their album 'Coalesce' in the following interview!
Hello Ascending Dawn, how are you all doing? Thanks for taking time to answer a few questions for Distrolution! Who is in your band and how did you put Ascending Dawn together?Hi Valentine, thank you for inviting us to talk to you… so Ascending Dawn Is a project that is comprised of Marlain Angelides (vocals / songwriter) who spearheads the project in New York, and Mark Wetherley (Drums / Guitar / Songwriter) and Owen Rees (Guitar / Producer) who are the ‘other half’ of the team in the UK, who essentially put the base initial musical ideas together for Marlain to write her vocals and lyrics to. We are a project born of the internet age. It is a strange concept and it takes some getting used to. Marlain is a professional vocalist/actor in NYC so makes a living performing (she does Voice Overs, theater, fronts the all girls band Lez Zeppelin and also does musicals). Ascending Dawn came together from a situation of failed relationships with other bands, and morphed into the project you have before you in the debut album. Jennifer Fletcher plays bass on our debut ‘Coalesce’.Let’s imagine that you have one minute to convince our readers to check out your band. How would you describe your band/music to someone who has never heard your songs before?A slightly more complex Evanescence vibe, which is also for the listeners of Tool, Tesseract, Dead Letter Circus, and Leprous. Progressive ambient melodic metal with a commercial flair and not quite djent.You released your album 'Coalesce' on December 1st 2017. Can you tell us more about it? Are you happy with the results you received so far, both from your fans and the media?We couldn’t be happier. We're aware of how difficult it is to make any sort of dent on people’s attention nowadays. We know it is a process, we are still looking for our audience, but we have received a lot of support from media, with our lyric videos and music being featured on Metal Injection, Alt Press, Prog Sphere, and some amazing reviews are still coming in. And people are slowly but surely finding our sound online. It can be hard to figure it out who might be interested as we do feel that we cross traditional metal genre lines.From all the songs you've released so far, and especially the ones on your new album, is there one you're especially proud of? If yes, why?‘Coalesce’ is our first release, and we feel very proud of it, which is how we knew we were ready to release it. Personal fav is probably OPPOSITES, which will have new official video release in 2018. IT embodies all the elements of sound we are about and has a wonderful progression of melody. It is prog, pop, metal, ambient, heavy all rolled into one.Distrolution is mainly based in France. Have you ever visited our country? You guys should plan a show over there so the next time, we’ll be able to do a real interview and share a few drinks together!Love France, love the language and love the people. I think between us we have all visited individually! But not as a team yet. We are still working on how we are going to work on our live set. We would love to visit France when we do! Currently Marlain is working on a ‘live’ vocal studio video which was engineered by Johann Meyer from France, (Gojira ‘Magma’) at Silver Cord Studios in NYC, so we are fans of French metal!
Thanks a lot for your time Marlain! If you guys haven't heard the band's latest release yet, hurry up!
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