Introducing the French hardcore band Resolve!

Hey Resolve. Thank you so much for your time! Could you please introduce yourselves, as well as your band ‘Resolve’ to our readers? Aurélien: I’m Aurélien and I play guitar. Resolve is the result of two local bands disbanding and joining forces, we put out our first single in February 2017, played a few shows and released a first EP a few months ago. We try to be as creative as possible in our music but I’d say we’re a metalcore band! Robin: I play bass and handle the production side of our music. Also mandatory bearded guy. Anthony: I’m Anthony. I sing. I’m the fragile one. Nathan: Hi, I’m Nathan, I’m the drummer. Since the creation of your band, until today: If you were to remember THE moment that has struck you the most: which one would you retain and why? Aurélien: Probably when we were confirmed for Longlive Rockfest? It was the band’s first show and I never thought we would get to play with these bands one day, let alone for our first time. Robin: Maybe not the most mind-blowing moment, but driving through the Netherlands by night while listening to one of our songs being played on Kerrang Radio during our latest tour is definitely a strong memory. Anthony: When we released our second single Abyss. The guys surprised me at my place, we put it online and went to a bar. We couldn't stop looking at the views climbing up so quickly, the overall reaction was so positive and overwhelming. Nathan: Playing Longlive Rockfest. Our first and best show of the year, we got to open the festival in front of at least 300 people, it was as good as I expected it to be. You recently dropped a new music video for single 'Navel-Gazing'. What does this song represent to you, as a band? Aurélien: ’Navel-Gazing’ is about taking a step back and being true to yourself, to sum up. We couldn’t wait to release this one as it’s become a favorite for many people as soon as we released the EP! Speaking of music video, how was the shooting experience? Any funny story to share with our readers? Aurélien: I think it was the easiest and smoothest video shoot we’ve done. We did it ourselves, but this time there wasn’t any real challenge like in the past when we had to shoot under (freezing) water, at night or during the hottest day of the year. Except maybe the burning-mirror scenes, Robin and I did this while face-timing Nathan and Anthony who couldn’t be here with us, so that they could see what we were doing and call 911 in case of emergency. Robin: I was the one in charge of picking up the mirror we were gonna use in the video, we found the right one through our national Gumtree/Craigslist. The look on the woman’s face when I told her we were going to burn it to the ground was hilarious! Anthony: I kept giving punches in the air. Nothing too crazy but my arm hurt for a whole week after. Nathan: The music video was filmed right where I work, so that’s fun. Sadly, one of my cymbals didn’t make it. If you had to create a 5-song playlist that best represents your band, what songs would you choose and why? Aurélien: Stick To Your Guns - Better Ash Than Dust It was released around the time we were writing Rêverie and just couldn’t keep the chorus out of our heads. Robin: The Plot In You - Take Me Away It’s got everything Resolve is about: hooky choruses, hard-hitting riffs, ethereal parts and a strong emphasis on ambient and electronic elements. Anthony: Northlane - Rot Same reason, it's got everything we like to try and do in our songs. Nathan: Bring Me The Horizon - Avalanche Such a banger, this song really inspired us in the early days of writing for Resolve. Aurélien: I’d also add Fool’s Gold by Chapel. Catchiest chorus ever, we’re always jamming their EP in the van. To finish, what is one lesson you’ve learned that you think is important to pass onto other bands? Aurélien: Focus on writing the best songs you possibly can before anything else. Robin: Save some money on the road and make your own coffee. Anthony: Numbers don’t lie. Work hard and be proud of what you can achieve instead of cheating and buying fake likes/views etc. Nathan: When practicing, be 200% ready if you want to be 100% ready for a show because things always go wrong on stage.
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