Hellfest 2022: an unforgettable experience for Disconnected!

Picture: Emmanuel Rousselle
To start, would it be please possible to introduce yourselves and then your band?
Jelly: I'm Jelly, I'm the drummer of Disconnected since 2018 and studio sound engineer. Flo: And I'm Flo, I've been the rhythm guitarist of Disconnected since I think 2018 as well, but a few months before.How was the band formed?
Flo: So basically, Adrian started the band a while ago. Jelly: Yeah, a while ago! Flo: He spent a lot of time looking for the line up. Jelly: Yeah, the band has been around since 2013 or 2015, something like that. But it's been inactive, actually. The band, it really was born, it really came out of the egg in 2017/2018 with the release of the first album. So the band really emerged in 2017/2018. Flo : Well, when he found Ivan, he found, really, the singer who was a perfect fit. It was the trigger that really made things move forward!
Thanks for the presentations! You launched, back in February, a crowdfunding campaign on your socials. Who had the idea of this crowdfunding and what are or were the donations used for?
Jelly: The idea came from Adrian and Ivan, the two leaders of the band. Why did they come up with it? Well, because we've been through two years of f*ckng pandemic and the last 6 months, we haven't done much, it's just starting again! We were on the production of the second album and we simply needed help, we needed money for the production, for the promotion, the release of music videos, the Spotify, Deezer playlists and so on. We were really in financial need, we needed help, that's why. It's mainly for the production and for the promotion of the album! And it was an unexpected big success! Flo : Yeah!Which is gratifying!
Jelly: That's for sure. We have largely exceeded the objectives, even though it was not the first crowdfunding, huh? Flo: We did one at the start of the tour! Jelly: We did one for the tour with Tremonti. We did a second one 2 and a half years, three years later. So unexpected! Big success, we are really happy!Speaking of albums, in April 2022, you released your new album “We Are Disconnected”. How long did you work on it?
Flo: Oh well, a moment, as it was supposed to come out much earlier, but there is always this Covid thing! (laughs) Jelly: When did “Unstoppable” come out? Flo: “Unstoppable” came out during the first... Jelly: Yeah… 2019! Flo: Yeah, that's it. Jelly: 2019, we released the single “Unstoppable” which was supposed to be on the second album and ended up not being there, because we changed producers in the meantime. We had difficulties, disagreements with the producer we had at the time. The producer of the album… the sound engineer, rather, since we are the ones producing the album! Which means that “Unstoppable”, in the end, did not end up on the album because we don't have the same sound, the same production. So in the end, if we take it from one end to the other, we did the album in two years. Basically! Flo: Yeah that's it. Because Adrian started composing the album basically after our tour. Jelly: It took two years! We should never have taken two years, but with the pandemic, the change of sound engineer and all that, it took two years! Flo: Yeah and then well, the idea was not to release it in the middle of a pandemic when you can't do anything about it, you see? Jelly: That too!
Artwork : Chromatorium Music
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