I feel like I shouldn't even keep on introducing these guys. Halflives' vocalist Linda took some free time to answer a couple of questions for Distrolution. Learn more about the band's new EP, “Resilience”, as well as their collaboration with Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens in our new interview! :)
Band picture by Emiliano “Bagos” Barbieri
Hello Halflives, thanks for your time. Would it be possible to introduce your band to our readers, as well as your roles in it?Hey! Thank you for having us. We’re Halflives, a European rock trio featuring myself (Linda, vocals), Oscar (bass) and Fede (drums). We like coffee.A few weeks ago, you've revealed a music video for your song “Time Bomb” feat. Kellin Quinn from Sleeping with Sirens. How was the collaboration?It was great! We heard Kellin was looking for bands to do guest vocals for. So we dropped him an email with literally 0 expectations. After 5 minutes he had replied saying he was enjoying the song and asking where we wanted him to sing. I couldn’t believe my own eyes!This song is taken from your brand new EP, titled “Resilience”. How long have you worked on it?I started working on “Resilience” in March 2019. It was fully written by June and we took the whole summer to shoot music videos, and properly prepare the release for the months to come.For those who haven’t heard it yet, what kind of songs can they expect on this EP?They can expect a bit of everything. Every song describes a different mood and in "Resilience" you can find yourself dancing to an alt pop song but also jump to an energetic rock song. Go listen to it to find out for yourself!If you had to pick ONE song that best reflects the spirit of this EP, which one would it be and why?Uff these kinds of questions are too hard! haha!I’d say Rockstar Everyday. It embodies the change we went through when writing the EP, like it or not.How’s your usual writing process for your songs?Usually it starts from a melody and 4 chords. Then I develop a basic structure around it, like verse - per chorus - chorus. If the idea is cool, I keep going otherwise if I get stuck, I just drop it before I get frustrated and eventually go back to it another time. Some other times I have riff ideas, like it happened for Time Bomb: first thing I wrote was the bass line. Then I start singing on top of it.Lyrics are always the last thing I do.The last words are for you. If you have any other projects in the making, here’s your chance to talk about it!We’re keeping a positive attitude and we’re hoping we will be able to tour in July as planned. We have this UK tour coming with a special stop in Paris and I reeeeally want it to happen so fingers crossed.Meanwhile I’m using this lockdown to get creative and write new material. While drinking coffee.Thanks for having me!Thanks for your time Linda!
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