Halflives talks about touring and upcoming projects!
For those who still don't know them, Halflives is a very promising alternative rock band from Italy! Linda, (vocals), was nice enough to talk about their debut album, as well as their upcoming projects for 2018!
Hello Linda. Thanks for taking time to chat with us here, at Distrolution. Could you please present your band and what your roles in it are? Linda: Hey, you’re very welcome, thank you for having us! We are Halflives from Italy, a four-piece alternative rock band consisting of myself (Linda, vocals), Enrico, guitar, Oscar, bass and Federico is our retarded drummer. I’m kidding about the retarded.. Or maybe not..! 2017 has been quite a year for your band. You especially released your debut album "Empty Rooms". Can you tell us more about this record? How did you approach the writing process for this one? Linda: We started to write "Empty Rooms" around two years ago. We decided to really take our time to come up with a record we’re 100% satisfied with. At the end of the writing process, we chose to pick the very best of what we wrote. We went for the 8 tracks that truly convinced us, regardless of what should be the "standard" length or number of track on a record. Looking back, I’m still very happy about it and about where this album took us! From an external point of view, I feel like you've received a lot of great feedback from both your fans and the media. Are you happy with the way they have both responded to your album so far? Is there one specific feedback from a fan or a magazine that really touched you? Linda: We are extremely happy of how things went so far and the reactions and feedback we witnessed make us even more proud of our work. We feel privileged to have such a devoted fanbase! Some people even took planes and travelled across the world just to see one of our gigs and meet us and this makes us feel very special. Other people decided to follow us on the road on a whole leg of a tour, taking holidays from work and driving by themselves from one city to another. I don’t have the words to express how grateful I am for that. It's also thanks to this beautiful community we created that we can give 100% of ourselves whether it’s on the road or when it’s time to write new music. You went on tour in Europe and the UK with Courage My Love, did a headliner UK tour in July... And you also performed in many other festivals all around in Europe. I know that you are currently on tour in Spain. How crazy is it? What's your favorite memory from tour so far? Linda: Yeah, it’s definitely crazy, we got the chance to play so many shows since the release of "Empty Rooms" and I can barely realize that! It’s hard to pick just a single memory but I guess I’d pick the show at Camden Rocks Festival we performed in June this year. I remember it’s been a very long day. We barely slept the night before the festival because we decided to drive by night from the previous show in order to arrive in London very early and manage to park not too far from Camden Town (where the festival was taking place). The load-in to the venue was rather complicated as well, we had to carry our backline by feet for almost 1 kilometer because the whole area was closed to vehicles. But the show and the day we spent all together after it were lovely. We enjoyed a lot the vibes we had while we were playing! The venue was packed, people were singing, jumping and having fun. It was so full that more people who couldn’t get in were even watching the show from the windows, it was mental! After the show we went for a walk in a crowded Camden Town, had lunch all together and went to see other shows in other venues. Yeah, I guess that’s my favorite memory on tour so far. Many more will come, I know! I know that you are currently writing new songs and preparing a new tour for early 2018. Can you tell us more about it? What can we expect from Halflives in the near future? Linda: We recently started to write new songs, we’re gonna work on them these months. After our EU/UK tour scheduled for January 2018, we’re gonna take our time to focus even more on that. (By the way we’re playing in Lyon on January 5th, hope to see you there!). I can’t make give too many spoilers about what’s next but keep an eye on us, we’re working backstage!
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