Get to know the punks The Moröns in our new interview!

Hello, The Moröns! Thanks for your time! Would you mind introducing your band to our readers? The Moröns (Pronounced MOR-OWNS) are the self proclaimed 'Royally Dysfunctional Family of Party Punk'. Started in late 2017 and hailing from the depths of Hick City, these spastic troglodytes were voted "Most Likely to Say Something Inappropriate at Grandmas House" for good reason. Shunned by critics and ignored by promoters, the Moröns still always find a way to invade your brain and dry-fuck your earholes. With lead man Robbie Moröns stupid (yet kind of cleverly-witty) lyricism, solid axe-men G.G. and Davie's wikid punk riffage. And Lucky's straight forward punk beats that make you wanna kiss your sister (but don't, she's gross). How would you describe the punk scene where you are based? Commonly referred to as the Texas of Canada, Calgary is a major oil and gas hub and they love their country music and right-wing politics. So you can be sure, the punk scene here is very underground and has gone through many hardships over the years. One of which is the struggle for live music venues to keep their doors open. Still, despite all the setbacks, there is an abundance of amazing musical talent that is reminiscent of other great punk rock cities like NYC and Los Angeles. But with a charm of it’s own that keeps Calgary’s punk scene alive and kicking. Your EP, “We Threw You Under the Bus Cause It's the Best Place for You” was released beginning of the year. Would you mind introducing this release to our readers? We like to think that “Under The Bus” is vital for lovers of driving party punk. It’s got something for everyone, loud and at times a little cheeky; you can’t help but get sucked in. How would you describe the writing process within The Moröns? The Moröns song writing process isn’t overly unique I don’t think... Robbie comes up with most of the concepts. Then, once things are structured we sort of hash them out and render them into the final version as a band. Do you have one personal favorite song on this EP? If yes, which one is it and why? “I Wanna Be Your Bitch”. Once the EP was finished, we were so happy with how the song turned out. The track is so full of energy and the lyrical candor just makes it a fun tune for us. Would you mind sharing the rest of your plans for 2019 with our readers? 2019 is going to be a busy one for The Moröns. We’ve got some great shows & festivals lined up and some great new tracks in the works. With plans to go back into the studio to record a couple singles, and then hopes of a full length album to follow. There are also talks of doing our first music video, so that’s exciting. The last words are for you. If you have a message to convey, here’s your chance! It’s a volatile world today and you can hear it in much of today's punk lyrics and music. That’s great and all, and definitely quintessential to Punk music. We have a few tracks in that vein as well so no disrespect to the bands focused on that. For the most part however, we’re here to help you forget about it for awhile and remind you that Punk Rock can still be fun too. Thanks for your time!
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