Discover the Italian punk hardcore band, Drömspell!

Hello Drömspell, thanks for your time. Would it be please possible to introduce your band to our readers, as well as your roles in it? Hi Valentine and thank you very much for this interview!! We are dromspell from Rome. A band of 5 friends playing d-beat influenced by bands like anticimex gbh, discharge of course, but also motorhead. Our songs are born quite spontaneously, without following too much the new wave of d-beat or the d-beat trendy revival of recent times. But, on the contrary, trying to trace the roots of the genre that unites us all, hardcore punk. Our lyrics deal with both classic themes of the genre such as apocalyptic and violent scenarios. And introspective themes such as existential desperation. All permeated by a strong anarchist punx consciousness, inspired by what we believe hardcore was here in Italy in the 80s. The name of the band comes from the A. Strindberg's play called Ett drömspel, that represents a linkage to Bergman's movies that represent to us a huge source of inspiration. With a worldwide pandemic going on, how have you handled the management of your band so far? According to our first plans we should have released the new album in April and left for a European tour towards the end of May. The pandemic and the related 2-month lockdown in our country were a serious blow. Not only for our programs but also for our lives and our families. Luckily things have improved over time, Damiano of Timebomb Records gave us a lot of help, deciding to produce our record and we are grateful for him. In the meantime, we have resumed rehearsals, working on new songs and upcoming releases. We hope to make gigs soon but I think we will focus on new stuff waiting for better times for gigs. You've just released your debut album, “Barbarie Futura”. How long have you worked on this release? Humm I don't know how to give you a precise answer. I think it took around six months. We recorded at Hombre lobo studio and valerio, the sound engineer, did a great job. Any funny story to share from your recording or writing sessions? Despite our image of a dark and nihilistic band, we love to have fun together. Because we are first of all friends and we share a true vandal attitude. During the four days of recording session, we kept a certain concentration and times were too short to do any big stupid ass bullshit in our style. But I remember Leonardo with drilled panties. Our bass player Guido shitted 4 times only on the first day, bought tons of beers... In every room was a stench of shit and out-of-gas Peroni beer... This was the atmosphere in which our rotting sound was born. Who created the artwork and what’s the story behind it? Artwork has been entirely made by us. Leonardo, the drummer, and Valentino, the singer, usually made collages. Claudio and Guido are incredible visual artists (they also made some comics together). So we don't lack of ideas or capacity. In fact, we made a small band-zine for our very first debut with a rehearsal demo tape.

Releasing something often means tour support. Do you guys already have some dates planned for the end of the year or 2021? Nope, we don't have anything planned for 2021. Maybe we will go play at Fear Fest in Prague, a crust festival that had been cancelled due to pandemic in may 2020. We will make other records and maybe we'll play around Italy when it will be safe for us and the people at the shows. The last words are for you. If you have a message to convey, here’s your chance! We really thank you for this interview, we want to say thanks also to all the readers and any people interested in us. We come from a place where punk is increasingly weaker and it's hard to talk about a strong punk community here. We hope that our activity can inspire and move as many people as possible from their sleepwalking. Recognize each other, establish deep relationships, different from those dictated by the system, to build something different away from consumer society and her issues. Thanks for your time!
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