Crossed Hands talk about their signing with Famined Records

Hello Crossed Hands, thanks for your time. Would it be please possible to introduce your band to our readers, as well as your roles in it? Hi Valentine, thanks for getting in touch with us. Crossed Hands is a 4-piece Melodic Hardcore band from Paris, France. We officially exist since 2016 and at this time, we were 5 members. We released our debut EP and played some shows but quickly encountered many setbacks which forced us to take a year off in 2018. From the 5 originals members, only Clement and me (Jeremy) remained. We thought this was the end for this project and were unmotivated to go on. This is when we met Pierre and Chad and this was the most pleasant unexpected situation. Of course, it took some time to create the strong relationship we have today between everyone. But as soon as we saw that they were not that lame, we reset and rebuilt everything together. We came back in 2019 with a new single called ‘Second’ with this new formation. One more called ‘Harbours’ came later in the same year and here is ‘Nxt10’ today! We play music together with one common objective: spread something positive to anyone who listens to us. We are convinced that music can intervene in a special way, a healing way, as it’s already done for some of us in the band. Oh, and we’re fun too, I guess. Pierre: Bassist (let’s start with the bassist for once) Clement: Vocals Jeremy: Guitars Chad: Drums How do you spend your time during quarantine? As for the whole band, we’ve been working on some new material already. Doing demos of our new songs has become our new hobby. We are lucky enough to own all the necessary hardware to record ourselves properly. Which has led us to experiment with our sound and the way we approach the song writing process. Even though each one of us has had their own occupation other than music. Pierre & Chad have both spent some time playing a few video games online together. They were sometimes joined by Jeremy when he wasn’t busy testing new ways of printing our new merch. Clement has been working on several of his projects in addition to painting. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, your UK tour has unfortunately been cancelled. Do you guys plan on rescheduling these dates? Not the tour as it is unfortunately, but we plan to get back to the UK, yes! News will be relayed on our social networks of course so stay tuned! You have just signed with the record label Famined Records. How did that happen? When the clip of our latest single was ready, we decided to collaborate with Dreambound to release it. We submitted the song and everything but got no feedback in time. So we decided to try other ways to not publish it on our YouTube channel which has not that much influence. We sent a message to Chelsea and here’s how it’s been: bad. Pretty bad actually. At first, Chelsea was kind and stuff but after we signed, she has been mean to us and we can’t step back now... Nah, we’re just joking. She’s the best, starting by simply replying to the message we sent her. Believing in our music is the most enjoyable thing for us and she did. We cannot wait to announce our collaboration with Famined Records. Thanks to all the team for the hard and professional work they do so far. You're debuting your single “Nxt10” on Dreambound. What's the story behind this song? Our singer Clement writes all of our lyrics. These are based on his personal experiences and struggles in life. However, “Nxt10” is a little wider. It’s about the difficulty of being human in a hurrying world. When we think there’s only one way to follow, we tend to forget that we fight for the same cause. This single is released along with a music video. How was the shooting experience? Amazing! We worked with Aurélien Mariat, bassist in Modern Error but before all, he’s a good friend of ours. He’s one of the nicest person we've met so far. He definitely knows what he is doing and helped us a lot to make it happen. The real annoying thing in this was to set back everything in place after he finished filming haha. We’ll add an exclusive quick tip for this interview. Truth is that the weather was terrible outside the day we shot the clip but the lights Aurélien asked us to rent clearly saved us by bringing some sun inside. Here’s the result! The last words are for you. If you have a message to convey, here’s your chance! We want to thank again Valentine and Distrolution for getting in touch with us and really appreciate it. We also thank you for reading this and hope to see you very soon in your town when this virus thing will be gone for good. Be safe, stay home and we love you. Thanks for your time!
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