Jack The Envious

United Kingdom United Kingdom

Jack The Envious is a Post-Hardcore / Punk band that fuses catchy choruses, with heavy riffs and raw energy in their live shows.

Formed in 2012 by Nir Perlman (Vocals) and Guy Avnon (Guitar), and were later joined by Guy Checkarov (Bass) during their military service.

During that time period (2011-2014), Jack The Envious focused mainly on performing around the country and writing songs, struggling to mix both national service and band life together.

After releasing their debut EP, 'Pull You Down', last year the band had a few very successful local shows while maintaining new content releases.

Aiming to branch out, they left everything behind and moved to the UK on January 2017, and have since started working on their 2nd upcoming EP 'In Your Own Way'.

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