Hunt for Hunter

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Hunt for Hunter is a 4-piece symphonic rock band based in New York City. “Symphonic rock” may sound like an ambitious genre to claim, but this is a band that was explicitly formed with the intention of creating music without limits or boundaries. Originally conceived in 2014 as an acoustic folk duo by Ian Hunt (drums) and Michael Hunter (vocals/electric violin/keys), Hunt for Hunter found some initial success playing in small bars, cafés and colleges around the Northeast. They occasionally experimented with hiring additional players to play Hunter’s heavier, less folksy material, but lacking a clear sense of direction the band eventually came to a crossroads in the winter of 2018.

The choice was simple, to take the easy, safer path and continue on as a folk duo, or go for broke and attempt the impossible: form a successful, original rock ‘n roll band in NYC. They chose the latter, and as luck would have it, Chris Kelly (bass) and Patrick Brennan (guitar) were ready and waiting to sign on. All four members had actually played with each other before through their day jobs as professional freelance musicians. Equipped with a considerable level of proficiency and unified by their desire to play exciting, original music they began writing and rehearsing in earnest.

Drawing inspiration from diverse influences like Queens of the Stone Age, Soundgarden, Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails, and more modern bands like Manchester Orchestra, The Dear Hunter and Nothing But Thieves, the quartet began developing an exciting set of music built around their single “Boundaries”. This song was deliberately chosen to be Hunt for Hunter’s first recorded output, as it best represents not just Hunt for Hunter’s sound and style but their musical ethos: to honor the past and the music that inspires you, but never let the fear of failure keep you from pursuing your art to its fullest. Now poised to share their music with the world, Hunt for Hunter is proud to carry the label “symphonic rock.”

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