
Sweden Sweden

January 2012- The debut album, Conflict Solution was recorded in Stand straight studio in Upplands Väsby, recorded by Chris Snyder who produced bands as HEAT and Nightwish, has also produced albums with over 20 wins in different award shows such as Hollywood Music Awards etc. When the album was mixed, it was sent off to the prestigious Abbey Road in the UK to be mastered.

In the autumn of 2014, the band reformed, now with Dennis Karhu on drums. The following year, singer Antz decide to step down from his position as the bands bassist and was replaced by basplayer Fredrik Isaksson, former metal icon of Grave and Therion and present Dark Funeral.

A new album was recorded and released in 2016. Mixed by Staffan Österlind at Fassberg & Osterlind Music. The album Brothers By Choice Not By Blood received a lot of great reviews from webzines, magazines and social media platforms. The single with the same name as the album has been streamed over 320 000 times on Spotify since the release.

2017 Attending in the Sweden Rock band competition and finished as number 6 from the top.

2017  First arena show took place in gavlerinken in front of 5000 people.

2017  Single recording with Håkan Hemlin, singer from the Swedish cult band Nordman.

2017 Musicvideo recording with Håkan Hemlin and Subztain with the new single

2017 Clawfinger, Subztain + Håkan Hemlin and Mimikry plays GHK 5 year anniversary party

2017 Signs record contract with PRFKT Rights

2018 First single release in April

Subztain was brought to life in the late summer of 2011. The band is based in Upplands Väsby, a few miles north of Stockholm.

Angry, clean, dirty, hard rock is the style of music, mainly because it is based a lot on life experiences, but also things that affect more than just us. The music is honest and reflects back on the bandmembers and their personalities.

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